The study of Language - Yule

The study of Language - Yule

کتاب زبانشناسی جرج یول (چاپ چهارم) از جمله کتاب های پرفروش زبانشناسی می باشد. این کتاب برای دانشجویان رشته آموزش، مترجمی و ادبیات انگلیسی بسیار مهم می باشد. همچنین از منابع بسیار مهم کنکور ارشد به شمار می رود.

بطور کلی اگر بدنبال کتابی هستید که می خواهید به راحتی مباحث linguistics را یاد بگیرید این کتاب را به شما پیشنهاد می کنم.

اطلاعات مربوط به چاپ جدید (چهارم) به شرح زیر است:

a change in the overall organization of the book, with Writing moving to
Chapter 16.
* revision of the internal organization of some chapters, with a clearer division of the
material into main topics and subtopics, with additional topics including new
accounts of language origins, text messaging, kinship terms and more than twenty
new word etymologies.
* over fifty new Tasks, including thirty that involve data analysis, so that students
can apply what they’ve learned.
* a new online Study Guide to help students with those

تعداد مشاهده: 261 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 300

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 قیمت: 3,650 تومان
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  • راهنمای استفاده:
    Chapters:1 The origins of language 1The divine source 2The natural sound source 2The social interaction source 3The physical adaptation source 4Teeth, lips, mouth, larynx and pharynx 4The tool-making source 5The genetic source 6Study questions 7Tasks 7Discussion topics/projects 8Further reading 82 Animals and human language 10Communication 11Properties of human language 11Displacement 11Arbitrariness 12Productivity 13Cultural transmission 14Duality 15Talking to animals 15Chimpanzees and language 16Washoe 16Sarah and Lana 17The controversy 18Kanzi 19Using language 19Study questions 21Tasks 21Discussion topics/projects 22Further reading 233 The sounds of language 25Phonetics 26Voiced and voiceless sounds 26Place of articulation 27Bilabials 28Labiodentals 28Dentals 28Alveolars 28Palatals 29Velars 29Glottals 30Charting consonant sounds 30Limitations of the chart 30Manner of articulation 31Stops 31Fricatives 31Affricates 32Nasals 32Liquids 32Glides 32Glottal stops and flaps 33Vowels 33Diphthongs 34Subtle individual variation 35Study questions 37Tasks 38Discussion topics/projects 38Further reading 394 The sound patterns of language 41Phonology 42Phonemes 42Phones and allophones 43Minimal pairs and sets 44Phonotactics 45Syllables 45Consonant clusters 46vi ContentsCoarticulation effects 46Assimilation 47Elision 47Normal speech 48Study questions 49Tasks 49Discussion topics/projects 50Further reading 505 Word formation 52Etymology 53Coinage 53Borrowing 54Compounding 55Blending 55Clipping 56Backformation 56Conversion 57Acronyms 58Derivation 58Prefixes and suffixes 59Infixes 59Kamhmu 59Multiple processes 60Study questions 61Tasks 61Discussion topics/projects 63Further reading 646 Morphology 66Morphology 67Morphemes 67Free and bound morphemes 68Lexical and functional morphemes 68Derivational and inflectional morphemes 69Morphological description 70Problems in morphological description 71Morphs and allomorphs 71Other languages 72Kanuri 72Ganda 73Contents viiIlocano 73Tagalog 74Study questions 75Tasks 75Discussion topics/projects 77Further reading 787 Grammar 80Grammar 81Traditional grammar 81The parts of speech 82Agreement 83Grammatical gender 84Traditional analysis 84The prescriptive approach 85Captain Kirk’s infinitive 86The descriptive approach 86Structural analysis 87Constituent analysis 88Labeled and bracketed sentences 89A Gaelic sentence 90Study questions 92Tasks 92Discussion topics/projects 94Further reading 958 Syntax 96Syntax 97Deep and surface structure 97Structural ambiguity 98Recursion 98Tree diagrams 99Symbols used in syntactic analysis 100Phrase structure rules 102Lexical rules 102Movement rules 103Back to recursion 105Complement phrases 105Study questions 107Tasks 108viii ContentsDiscussion topics/projects 109Further reading 1109 Semantics 112Meaning 113Semantic features 113Semantic roles 115Agent and theme 115Instrument and experiencer 116Location, source and goal 116Lexical relations 116Synonymy 117Antonymy 117Hyponymy 118Prototypes 119Homophones and homonyms 120Polysemy 120Word play 121Metonymy 121Collocation 121Study questions 123Tasks 123Discussion topics/projects 124Further reading 12510 Pragmatics 127Pragmatics 128Context 129Deixis 130Reference 131Inference 131Anaphora 132Presupposition 133Speech acts 133Direct and indirect speech acts 134Politeness 135Negative and positive face 135Study questions 137Tasks 137Discussion topics/projects 139Further reading 140Contents ix11 Discourse analysis 141Discourse analysis 142Interpreting discourse 142Cohesion 143Coherence 144Speech events 145Conversation analysis 145Turn-taking 146The co-operative principle 147Hedges 148Implicatures 148Background knowledge 149Schemas and scripts 150Study questions 152Tasks 152Discussion topics/projects 154Further reading 15512 Language and the brain 156Neurolinguistics 157Language areas in the brain 157Broca’s area 158Wernicke’s area 159The motor cortex and the arcuate fasciculus 159The localization view 159Tongue tips and slips 160The tip of the tongue phenomenon 160Slips of the tongue 161Slips of the ear 161Aphasia 162Broca’s aphasia 162Wernicke’s aphasia 163Conduction aphasia 163Dichotic listening 164The critical period 165Genie 166Study questions 167Tasks 167Discussion topics/projects 168Further reading 169x Contents13 First language acquisition 170Acquisition 171Input 171The acquisition schedule 172Cooing and babbling 173The one-word stage 174The two-word stage 174Telegraphic speech 175The acquisition process 175Developing morphology 176Developing syntax 177Forming questions 178Forming negatives 179Developing semantics 179Study questions 182Tasks 182Discussion topics/projects 183Further reading 18414 Second language acquisition/learning 186Second language learning 187Acquisition and learning 187Acquisition barriers 187Affective factors 188Focus on method 189The grammar–translation method 189The audiolingual method 190Communicative approaches 190Focus on the learner 190Transfer 191Interlanguage 191Motivation 192Input and output 192Communicative competence 194Applied linguistics 194Study questions 195Tasks 195Discussion topics/projects 196Further reading 197Contents xi15 Gestures and sign languages 198Gestures 199Types of gestures 199Types of sign languages 200Oralism 200Signed English 201Origins of ASL 202The structure of signs 202Shape and orientation 203Location and movement 203Primes, faces and finger-spelling 204The meaning of signs 204Representing signs 206ASL as a natural language 207Study questions 208Tasks 208Discussion topics/projects 209Further reading 20916 Writing 211Writing 212Pictograms and ideograms 213Logograms 214Rebus writing 215Syllabic writing 215Alphabetic writing 216Written English 217English orthography 218Study questions 220Tasks 220Discussion topics/projects 222Further reading 22317 Language history and change 224Family trees 225Family connections 226Cognates 226Comparative reconstruction 227Sound reconstruction 227Word reconstruction 228xii ContentsThe history of English 228Old English 229Middle English 229Sound changes 231Syntactic changes 232Semantic changes 233Diachronic and synchronic variation 233Study questions 235Tasks 235Discussion topics/projects 236Further reading 23718 Language and regional variation 239The standard language 240Accent and dialect 240Dialectology 241Regional dialects 241Isoglosses and dialect boundaries 242The dialect continuum 244Bilingualism and diglossia 244Language planning 246Pidgins and creoles 247The post-creole continuum 248Study questions 250Tasks 250Discussion topics/projects 251Further reading 25119 Language and social variation 253Sociolinguistics 254Social dialects 254Education and occupation 255Social markers 256Speech style and style-shifting 257Prestige 257Speech accommodation 258Register and jargon 259Slang 259African American English 260Vernacular language 261The sounds of a vernacular 261Contents xiiiThe grammar of a vernacular 261Study questions 263Tasks 263Discussion topics/projects 264Further reading 26420 Language and culture 266Culture 267Categories 267Kinship terms 268Time concepts 268Linguistic relativity 269The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis 269Snow 270Cognitive categories 271Classifiers 272Social categories 272Address terms 273Gender 274Gendered words 274Gendered speech 275Gendered interaction 276Study questions 278Tasks 278Discussion topics/projects 279Further reading 280Glossary 282References 297Index 307

  • محتوای فایل دانلودی:
    کتاب the study of language (4th edition) by Gorge Yule