Using outsourcing for strategic
competitiveness in small and
medium-sized firms
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop an outsourcing matrix and explains how
outsourcing can be used to facilitate strategic innovation.
Design/methodology/approach – The methodology used in this study is of an explanatory case
study. This paper uses secondary data as well as primary data from several interviews with
executives, entrepreneurs and industry experts. The combination of the two sources of data ensures a
certain level of convergence and completeness in the analysis presented.
Findings – The approach suggested in this paper offers small and medium-sized firms an
opportunity to innovate strategically (i.e. creation of newer services and products) and potentially level
the playing field with larger rivals.
Originality/value – This paper offers practicing managers a framework for using outsourcing as a
means to compete effectively. Importantly, compared to the outsourcing literature’s traditional focus
on large firms, this paper is one of the few which takes the perspective of the small or medium sized
firm. Additionally, this paper serves as a foundation for theory building and future research on the
usage of outsourcing by such firms to enhance strategic competitiveness.
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